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Does King Arthur: Legend of the Sword deserve to be a flop?

Does King Arthur: Legend of the Sword deserve to be a flop? It is another decade and that means there is another adaptation of the English legend of King Arthur. In fact, there are over 100 film and television adaptations from some successful adaptations such as Clive Owens “King Arthur” in 2004 and Disney’s “Sword in the Stone” and of course, “Excalibur”, as well as some more unsuccessful attempts which mainly end up as straight to DVD movies such as “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthurs Court” I use the word successful very loosely as, even though King Arthur and his Knights of the Round table is a well-known fantasy story, in recent years, the movies and television series never seem to go down well with the critics. The last big budget King Arthur film was King Arthur starring Clive Owen and Keira Knightly, this time giving King Arthur’s legend an origin story. This was in 2004 where swords were the thing. Everything needed a huge army battle and even though this film was...

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