Introducing Just Jay
Who am I?
My name is Jay, Just Jay, I am a busy body with a lot to say, this is why I am starting here.
This Blog is all about me, what I do and what I think, interested, I guess not. Well let me tell you what I do.
I am a contributor to Bye Bye: A Weight Loss Story- I am currently losing weight, I went to university nearly 10 years ago and came back a fatty, on top of that, I kept eating and drinking afterwards and in the end I was nearly five stone heavier than 2007 me!
I have recently started my own website called Hashtag History, this is just me having some fun sharing things that remind me of my youth. You will get retro video games, to old music, television and films I used to love. When I say old, 80's, 90's and t a push early 00's.
Lastly I work full-time in a 9-5 job, so I am living pretty much dead central in the real world.
So I am busy, but have plenty to share.
Topics I will cover will be my weight loss journey, my life and any random thoughts that go in to my head/ As the other sites I contribute to are very focused, this may not be set on just one top but I will always let you know what I am writing about.
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